Decluttering & Organizing services

Minimize with Joy professional home organizer singapore Marie Kondo KonMari tidying declutter organize
  • By Specific Categories

    To declutter and organize specific categories such as Wardrobe, Kitchen, Store room, Study room, Home office, Workplace office, etc.

  • All Categories in the Home

    Tidy all categories by order according to KonMari Method®. Clothes, Books, Papers, Komono (Miscellaneous items) and Sentimental items.

  • New Home Planning | Home Moving

    New home storage spaces planning (e.g. Wardrobe, Kitchen cabinets, Store room, etc.)

    Declutter & Packing; Unpacking & Organize your new home.

Other Services

Recommendation for Storage tool, Layout and Interior Decorating / Soft Furnishing.

How do we conduct the session

  • In-person tidying session

  • Virtual tidying session (session will be conducted through video call)

The session available in following languages

English, Mandarin, Teochew (dialect)


SGD 210 per session (for 3 hours)

Minimum 3 hours per session

+ SGD 70 for each additional hour

Payment method : PayNow or Cash

Frequently asked questions

Is tidying same as cleaning?

Tidying and cleaning are different. As Marie Kondo points out “Tidying up means confronting yourself, however Cleaning means confronting the nature”. Cleaning deals with dirt and tidying deals with objects. Tidying is to organize, to keep each of the objects in its dedicated place (“home”) so your home looks neat. Cleaning is to clean the dust or dirt accumulated on the object, cleaning is an activity that we have to do regularly such as weekly, monthly or yearly such as spring cleaning. However for Tidying you just have to do it once and maintain the post tidying habit by returning each item to where it belongs (its “home”). After you have completed the tidying, cleaning will be much easier and less hassle.

Do I need to discard everything?

No, you don’t need to. The KonMari Method™ is about choosing what to keep, not what to discard. It gives us opportunity to reevaluate our relationship with our possessions. Choosing joy and to live the life you want to live, surround yourself with what matters most. For those no longer spark joy to you, let them go with gratitude and give them opportunity to serve others by donate or sell them.

What if I have other family member in the home?

Focus with your own belonging, do not force others to tidying up if they are not ready. But influence them through the change within you after you have completed your tidying.

How many sessions will I need?

It depends on how much things you own, how fast you can hone the skill of joy checking and your budget. We can plan according to these factors and we may assign some sub-categories as homework. Typically a session takes around 3 to 5 hours.

“Keep items that spark joy to you with confidence. Discard those don’t by letting them go with gratitude.”

— Marie Kondo